Why Isovox Is Using Canvas Gadget’s 360° Product Viewer



Isovox faced a challenge that many online retailers face:  how to quickly and easily demonstrate how your product works to online visitors.  Many products have intricate parts that photos and videos simply can’t fully show.

So, Isovox reached out to Canvas Gadget for help creating a 360° product viewer.  Isovox had clear goals:  they wanted to show how their product works, educate their customers, and do it all while keeping their site speed untouched.  

Show How A Product Works

Do you have a product that’s been hard to demonstrate to your customers?  If so, you’re not alone!

One of the biggest benefits of a 360° product viewer is that it can quickly and easily show your customers how your product works.  With the use of animation, 360° product viewers let people see products in action from any angle.  It’s truly revolutionary.

Isovox sells a unique, portable sound box studio with a detailed assembly.  Before Canvas Gadget, they struggled to demonstrate exactly how the different pieces went together, but now that they’re using the product viewer, anyone can see how easy it is to assemble and use their product!

Educate Customers

Customers often hesitate to make a purchase simply because they don’t know enough about a product.  It can be difficult to envision how something is going to make their lives easier or save them time.  Customer education can make all the difference in the world between a purchaser and a passerby.

At first glance, it wasn’t immediately obvious to some customers how the Isovox sound booth worked.  But a 360° product viewer changed everything.  Because customers can now see how the sound proofing fits around a microphone, they understand how the product works and realize the importance and benefits of having an Isovox of their own.  

Customer education is key for generating more sales.  If you can teach a customer about your product, you’ll be far more likely to make a sale from that customer!

Keep Site Speeds Fast

Showing customers how a product works and educating customers about products are great ways to increase sales, but they won’t work unless you can do so without slowing down your website’s speed.

Many people don’t realize that unlike photos and videos, which can be resource hogs, a 360° product viewer, if created using the kind of technology that Canvas Gadget does, won’t reduce your site speed at all.  This is a vital part of using 360° product marketing.

When Isovox integrated their product viewer into their site, they didn’t have to worry about slow load times, intricate coding, or complicated technology.  Everything was quick, simple, and straightforward, just the way ecommerce marketing solutions should be!

A 360° product viewer is a powerful marketing tool for online retailers.  As Isovox realized, it helped them demonstrate how their product worked, educate their customers about their product, and did so without slowing down their site or needlessly complicating anything.  They will be reaping the benefits of their 360° product viewer for years to come!