3 Simple Tips For Selling More Planners

Planner Image

Creating a planner design is a painstaking process.  It takes a lot of hard work, revision, and attention to detail to get from an idea to a marketable product!  But producing a finished product is only half the battle. Once your design is ready to ship, you still have to sell it.  

And for many creators, learning how to sell planners online is one of the worst aspects of product creation.  The good news is that there are simple ways you can increase your number of planner sales, all of which are fairly easy to implement and won’t leave you feeling like a sleazy sales rep!

Reach the right audience

Each planner has unique features that make it a good fit for a specific group of people.  There are all sorts of planners out there, meal planners, exercise planners, blog planners, etc. Even the more typical monthly, weekly, and daily planners are geared towards specific audiences.  

If you see a planner with pretty floral cover art and pink glitter, you can probably guess that this planner is geared for a particular group of consumers. If you sell a meal planner, for example, your target customers are likely women with families.  If you sell a real estate planner, you’ll want to focus on realtors and real estate investors.

The best way to increase your planner sales is to reach the right audience for your specific planner.  You can use social media, targeted keywords for SEO, and ads to help your planner make it into the right hands.  The key is razor sharp targeting. There is no “secret sauce” to achieve this. It takes a lot of testing and tweaking.  

One good tool to reach the right audience is to have strong keywords in the metadata of your website.  Or even consider running an ad campaign on Google with the right keywords. You can research keywords with Google’s keyword planner tool under “find new keywords.”  The goal is to find keywords that have a good amount of monthly searches, but low to medium competition.

In addition to Google, Facebook has a variety of targeting options with its ad service that will help you reach the right people. When you find your target audience, you’re serving the right people well, and that’s a sure recipe for success.

Grab their attention with a strong brand image

Coca Cola.  Disneyland. McDonald’s.

 Brand Image

These three companies are arguably the most well-known brands in the world.  When you see a red and silver can of soda, you instinctively know it’s a Coke.  Mickey Mouse is synonymous with Disney, and we all know that golden arches mean the world’s favorite burger and fries.

In the same way that Disney, Coke, and Micky D’s have gotten our attention with their branding, you can also create a strong brand image with your planner.  How? Through consistency.

Whether you’re sharing a blog post about your planner advertising across social media, keeping your brand consistent is key to ensuring that your potential customers will recognize your product over someone else’s.  

Additionally, you should strive to serve your customers well.  Integrity and customer satisfaction will go a long way toward securing a strong brand image.  By placing your target audience’s needs first, you’ll stand out above the crowd.

Show them what’s inside

One of the most difficult aspects of selling a planner on the internet is that it’s almost impossible to show potential customers the inside of your planner.  Even if your targeting is on point and you are reaching the right people, you’re going to lose a ton of sales if those people are not convinced your product meets their needs.

The difficulty arises from the fact that you either have to give them a PDF of sample pages - meaning they might simply print off those and never actually make a purchase - or you have to create a costly, often inadequate video to demonstrate your planner.

If you can somehow show them inside - prove to them that your planner is the answer to their planning needs - you’ll make a sale every time.  

One thing we here at Canvas Gadget strive to do is to help planner creators just like you achieve all of these simple strategies for making more planner sales.  If you want to reach the right audience, create a strong brand image, and easily show them inside your planner, we can help!

We’ve created new marketing content specific to planner creators.  With a 360° Planner Flip Through that won’t slow down your site, awe-inspiring videos that won’t cost an arm and a leg, and simple installation that only takes seconds to add to your website or blog. Our viewer allows your potential customers to flip through every page, just like they were holding your planner in their hands.  For a limited time, we are offering a 20% discount on the 360° Planner Flip Through. Use discount code: SELLMOREPLANNERS at checkout to claim your discount. 


Give your audience the confidence that your product is the right fit.  We’d love to help you sell more planners. Why not take a look at what we can offer?

Learn more about Canvas Gadget planner marketing services.