Why Every Crowdfunding Project Needs Canvas Gadget’s 360° Content Marketing

Crowd Funding


When it comes to crowdfunding projects, there are some excellent must-haves, such as passion for your project and a great explainer video.  Without those, your project will be dead in the water!  But while most crowdfunding projects have these basics in place, many are missing out on another need that is just as necessary:  360° content marketing.

These days, with crowdfunding opportunities popping up everywhere, it’s not enough to be doing the exact same thing that every other project creator is doing.  You need to stand out above the crowd, to go beyond the basics, to make a splash in a saturated market.

And you can accomplish all of that just by adding interactive content marketing to your planning.

Grab investors’ attention

With so many good projects out there now, you must grab your potential investors’ attention right away.  And good photos and explainer videos just aren’t going to cut it anymore.  You need something fresh and new that no one else is using yet.

Canvas Gadget’s 360° content marketing does just that.  Because it’s new technology, most crowdfunding managers have yet to implement it, meaning that your decision to include it on your project really sets you up for success.  It has the wow factor you need to set yourself apart.

Get them involved in the product

Another huge advantage of 360° content marketing is that it gets your investors involved with your product.  They can rotate it, zoom in on it, and see it in action thanks to animation.  They can take an active interest instead of sitting back and passively observing photos and videos.  

This kind of content marketing essentially puts your product into their hands even when they’re half a world away from you.  It’s an incredibly powerful invitation that gets them experiencing your product in an entirely new way.

Educate them on the product

Educating investors about your product is the biggest hurdle you need to address before someone will commit to backing your project.  If you can’t quickly show them how your product works and how it will impact their lives for the better, you don’t have a chance at reaching your backing goal.

360° content marketing from Canvas Gadget swiftly and effortlessly educates investors about your product.  You don’t have to worry about whether or not they’re going to sit through the entirety of your explainer video, because they can see in just a few seconds’ time what your product does and how it’s going to change the world for the better.

If you can grab your investors’ attention, get them involved with your product, and easily educate them about your project, the end result will be confident investors who cannot wait to back your project.  By removing any sense of confusion or misunderstanding, you make the decision to back your project versus your competitor’s a simple one.

With interactive content marketing, you won’t need to persuade anyone to invest.  They’ll be begging you for the opportunity!  It’s definitely something that every crowdfunding project cannot afford to be without.  

Why not be the first to embrace 360° content marketing and set yourself up for success?