4 Reasons Why Interactive Content Marketing Is the New Trend



A new trend in online marketing is emerging:  the use of interactive content marketing.  Different from both photography and video, interactive marketing is something entirely unique.  With its engaging digital content, it offers multiple benefits to its users.

Interactive content marketing (ICM) grabs customers’ attention; it encourages customer engagement; it teaches better and faster than video; and it’s more affordable than photos and video.  With these advantages, it’s easy to see why it's the new wave in online marketing!

It Grabs Attention

There are hundreds and thousands of online sellers today, many of whom are selling the same kinds of products as one another.  It can be incredibly difficult to stand out above the crowd and call attention to yourself over the myriad other people trying to sell the same product you are.

With interactive content marketing, though, you can easily set yourself apart from your competition.  Right now, ICM is in its infancy, so chances are high that your competitors haven’t jumped on board yet.  So if you add it to your website, you’re going to make a splash and grab your customers’ attention without any effort!

It Encourages Engagement

Interaction and engagement are the big buzz words in advertising these days.  You don’t want to simply gain customers; you want to turn them into loyal fans who come back to you time after time.  And one of the best ways to do that is to get them to interact with your product.

The problem with photos and videos is that there’s no way for your customer to interact with them.  All they can do is view them, and that’s it.  

On the flip side, ICM offers your customers the ability to rotate, zoom, select colors, and see your product in action.  It’s designed to encourage customer engagement.  Your customers won’t be able to resist the invitation to interact with your product!

It Teaches Better and Faster Than Video

Explainer videos are another popular method for educating your customers.  While they do a better job of grabbing your customers’ attention than photos do, they still lack the wow factor that really keeps your customers engaged.  

Chances are good that your customers won’t watch your entire explainer video.  Experts recommend keeping your videos to under a minute, since most people won’t stick around longer than that.  If your product is complex and you need longer than a minute to fully educate your customer about your product, what do you do?

Interactive content marketing is your answer!  With ICM’s ability to use animation, it quickly educates your customer about your product while they engage with it.  They can view the animation from any angle, and it works even as they rotate and zoom.  You don’t have to worry about keeping things short; educating your customers begins immediately.

It's More Affordable Than Photography and Video

Although interactive content marketing sounds amazing, most people don’t even consider it because they wrongly assume that they can’t afford it.  Especially for mom-and-pop shops that have next to no advertising budget, ICM can seem like it’s unattainable.

Surprisingly, ICM can actually save you money since it is actually more affordable than either photography or video!  Since you don’t have to hire a photographer or invest in expensive videography equipment, the savings can be incredible.  Find out more about the costs involved right here.

Interactive content marketing is definitely the future for online sellers.  With its ability to grab attention, encourage customer engagement, and ability to teach better and faster than video combined with its affordability, ICM is a must-have for today’s online sellers.  

How are you going to use interactive content marketing in your business?